Featuring: Tom Barnard, Terri Traen, Tony Lee, Mike \”Stretch\” Gelfand, Bob Sansevere, Jeff Passolt, Jay-Bee, Brent R. Wilcox and Bryce Crousore

Featured Track

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Featured Track

Featured Track

Regurgitate Tracklist

Disc 1
1. Intro
2. WJJY Cash Call
3. The Arrest (Yo Mammy)
4. 911 – Deer Attack
5. Harry #1
6. Leroy, the Angry Southerner
7. Chucker #1
9. Flogapalooza
10. Burnsie Bedtime Story
11. Denny’s Calvins
12. Clinton’s Apology
13. The Ejection Seat
14. Carp Killer
15. Coffee with Sharif
16. Pennant Polka
17. F.O.S.
18. The Fondler
19. Ebola Polka
20. Harry #2
21. Cunanan
22. Chucker #2
23. Hopeful Beginnings
24. Cheezheads
25. Richard Jewel’s Favorite Things
26. Hi Hoishel Walker
Disc 2
1. Eleanor
2. Just Do It
3. Beaverview Dykes
4. Ballad of Johnny Johnson
6. Coming Out
7. Clinton Calls In
8. Denny’s Madness
9. One on One
10. Gentile Ben
12. Men’s Warehouse Gangstas
13. Letourneau Toys
14. Must Be Lesbian
15. Baptist Disney Boycott
16. King of Explode
17. Michael Irvin’s Happy Crafts
18. Duel
19. Somethin’ Stupid
20. Amish Coke Bust
21. Whitley
22. The Galloping Gossip
23. Rehab Barbie
24. Modern Country
25. T.K. Talkin’ Twins
26. Big and Beautiful
27. Honeymoon
28. So Sexy When We Fish
29. Nazi Singles
30. Drunken Pilots
31. Blow Me (A Little Kiss)
32. Passolt for Governor
33. So There
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