Featured Track

Featured Track

Jesse... Send Out The Clown Tracklist

1. Afraid of Boats
2. Booking Signing
3. Clinton’s PJ Party
4. Begs Bosacker
5. Bosacker – XFL
6. Resolutions
7. Easter Egg Hunt
8. The Dykes
9. Gone Fishing
10. In ‘Nam
11. Starts the Day
12. Birthday
13. Stranded
14. Abducted
15. Bush & Aliens
16. Goes Home
18. In Hiding
19. Manthrax
20. Terrorist Santa
21. X-Mas Carol
22. ‘Twas the Night
24. Football Party
25. In Germany
26. Run Again
27. Makes Fireworks
28. Calls China
29. Fries Cripples
30. Tyrell
31. Mission Accomplished
32. Defends Tyrell
33. Freezes Brain
34. Hazeltine
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