2018 Veterans Day Military Takeover

Tune into KQRS on Sunday, November 11th for our 3rd Annual Veterans Day Military Takeover!

Starting at noon (until 6pm), each hour will be hosted by a different Minnesota Military Veteran – this is our little way of honoring and recognizing the courageous service all Military Veterans have made to our country.

Thank you to our listeners for sending in all your amazing submissions. The amount of outstanding nominations this year was overwhelming, making it very difficult to only select a few.

We are extremely thrilled to share this special feature with our listeners on Veterans Day – tune in starting at noon!


13:00 Joe Losier

Maple Grove / Navy


14:00 Tom Strunge

Princeton / Marines


15:00 Eric Fisher

Prescott, WI / Navy & Air Force


16:00 Wendy Hoven

Zumbrota / Army


17:00 Adam Skillings

Frederick, WI / Army

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