KQ\’s 4th Annual Military Takeover
On November 10th, 2019, six Minnesota Military Veterans each guest-hosted an hour on KQRS while sharing stories and selecting the music.
Every year we look forward to sharing the KQ Military Takeover with our listeners. It\’s our way of honoring and recognizing the courageous service and sacrifices our Military Veterans have made in order to protect our freedom.
We would also like to thank our listeners for sending in so many extraordinary nomination letters – it\’s nearly impossible to narrow down our guest DJs each year. We look forward to sharing another Military Takeover with our listeners in November 2020!
Meet this year\’s Veterans \”guest DJs\”, listen to their interviews and see the photos:
Tom Mortensen
MARINES / St. Paul
Michael Baumann
ARMY / Lakeville
Daniel Beach
ARMY / St. Michael
Chris Blaido
MARINES / Belle Plaine
Ron Lasiuta
ARMY / Forest Lake
Kelly Ammerman
MARINES / Stillwater
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