Photo Credit: RKH Images
Tongue Expedition: We discovered the least licked body part (Zepp insists we are all missing out) plus Steve is all in on “soup you can suck” and horrible Instacart substitutions (kiddy pools are not the same as beef jerky sticks).
It’s a Tree Man, Put It in the Ground: We gripe about nosy neighbors, hear all about your wild surgical souvenirs (used pelvic plate necklace winning by a lot) and Sam Ekstrom gives us a recap of the Viking season.
Those Damn Boot Prints in the Snow: We dove into stupid ways you got busted and “leaving behind foot tracks in the snow” was the top answer by a LOT plus we take your Vendetta Dedications for our Midweek Mixtape and why you’ll sleep better if you do your tongue exercises…
GONNA TELL MY MOM: Weird reasons you’ve dumped people, plus we learn all about the Kentucky Meat Shower in Unfun Facts and why you should drink more grape juice.