KQ Morning Show
All-time favorite bands/artists? Nirvana. Runner up: Also Nirvana. Coming in 3rd: LOOK! It’s Nirvana AGAIN!
First album you ever purchased? Green Day’s Dookie on CD, I bought it at Target and it had the brown jewel case with the picture of a puppet Ernie in a mosh pit on the back. I still have it, my boyfriend almost gave it away because he the same CD that he’s kept in near mint condition, but he got it back when he saw my inner child crushed with disappointment.
First Concert? First show: Offspring and Unwritten Law at First Avenue, I still remember the smell of sweat and underage smoking. (technically my first concert was when my parents brought me to see the Beach Boys at the Fair back in the day)
Name a show that’s a MUST watch? If you can handle gore: Ash vs The Evil Dead. If you cannot: Archer. If you are somewhere in the middle: Fargo.
What’s a movie(s) you could never get sick of watching? It’s nerdy and cliché but the honest answer is Star Wars Episodes IV-VI
Greatest comedy movie of all-time? This is Spinal Tap. The numbers all go to eleven.
Favorite local sports team? Twins
What’s an app you can’t live without? The truth is I’m a Fitbit addict, 10k steps a day or bust!
Describe your first car: 1994 Hunter Green Mercury Cougar with a V8.
What topic(s) would you crush at trivia night? Classic Rock Trivia
What toppings are on your ideal pizza? Take a frozen cheese pizza and drizzle some hot sauce on before you throw it in the oven. It’s a delicacy.
Growing up, whose poster was on your bedroom wall? Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix
If you could go to dinner with 3 famous people (dead or alive) who would you pick? George Carlin, Quentin Tarantino, Hunter S. Thompson (I am sure I won’t need to get to say a word).
Twitter: @ryder__rox