YOU PUT THE ASS IN CASSAROLE: The KQ Morning Show live from Cragun’s Resort… details on the Loyal Order of Elbows, Greater Minnesota Crime Wave and Brian Zepp… still leg wrestling champion

YOU PUT THE ASS IN CASSAROLE: The KQ Morning Show live from Cragun’s Resort… details on the Loyal Order of Elbows, Greater Minnesota Crime Wave and Brian Zepp… still leg wrestling champion
JUST A SET UP TO STOKE OURSELVES: We don’t need to jump on the “sleepmaxx” trend because it turns out we can fall asleep anywhere… hotel hallways, front yards and the bathroom of the Arby’s on University are some of our favorites. Plus Vikings were Beating on the Cheeseheads (for at least the first half…
BEATING ON THE CHEESEHEADS Vikings Insider Sam Ekstrom previews Sunday’s matchup between Minnesota and Green Bay, plus we Shock the Cheesehead and a Minnesota movie TOPS Rolling Stone’s list of 101 Best Soundtracks
GOOD SURGEONS DO NOT WEAR TANK TOPS: A Fake doctor got away with enlarging penises for 20 YEARS, find out how he got busted… plus Klaus Meine of The Scorpions on the crazy rumor the CIA had anything to do with their song Wind of Change and nose bleeds out your eyeballs in UnFun Facts
DON’T EAT THE PURPLE APPLES! One orchard in Canada can’t fill orders for their delicious purple apples… because they don’t exist (despite the AI generated pix all over the interne). Plus words people misuse that get under our skin and the number of speeding tickets issued this summer in Minnesota (we gotta slow down)
LET’S TACO BOUT IT: We rehash the great sign wars of 2024, burn up your Monday by Beating the Toaster and predicted the very first thing some random State Fair Goer stuck in his mouth
TIPSY TODDLER: We get into kids who got drunk on accident after a restaurant served wine instead of apple juice to a toddler, plus the husband calling contest at a state fair is downright triggering and we shout out our favorite family friendly terms for sex… or kinky terms for taxes
GET THAT OUTTA YOUR MOUTH! We dug into the most disgusting thing that’s every ended up in your mouth, remembered some of our favorite (banned) KQ T-shirts from past MN State Fairs and a fresh round of App or Crap led to some potentially lucrative ideas
CRAP WHERE IT DOESN’T BELONG We walked into the building to find some random crap in the middle of the floor and heard about very strange places you have discovered OR LEFT poop (human and otherwise), plus fan highlights and reviews of Stadium Weekend and how we suspect Robert Plant is spending his birthday…
Comedian Craig Gass joined us with tales of pissing off Christopher Walken, why Al Pacino wanted to punch out Alec Baldwin and pranking over the phone Tom Arnold before caller ID, plus Doug from Rosemount had us all in suspense as we waited for him to punch in before he played Beat the Toaster AND…