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Curb Your Enthusiasm‘s Bob Einstein Has Died

Screengrab: YouTube/Richyhello

Comedian Bob Einstein has passed away at the age of 76. He was perhaps best known as “Marty Funkhouser” on Curb Your Enthusiasm, and as the titular stuntman on Showtime’s The Super Dave Osborne Show.

The brilliant comedic actor had recently been diagnosed with cancer.

We’ve included social tributes from his brother, Albert Brooks, and from Curb cast members.

Check out clips below of Einstein on Curb Your Enthusiasm, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and The Super Dave Osborne Show.

Did Grover Drop the F-Bomb on Sesame Street?

Photo credit: Twitter/@jivedurkey

Grove did not drop the F-bomb on Sesame Street! Of course, he didn’t!

As you’ll see below the Grover video, Frank Oz weighs in on the subject. We should probably take his word for it since he’s the one voicing Grover for 35+ years.

What Grover is saying in this clip is:

That sounds like an excellent idea!

However, it’s causing controversy because some people swear he’s saying:

That’s a f***ing excellent idea!

If you listen for it both ways, you can hear one or the other. There are those, though, who claim they can only hear the clean (actual) version, and those who can only hear the NSFW version.

Judge for yourself.

Penny Marshall Has Died

Screengrab: YouTube (AwardsShowNetwork)

Legendary director, producer and actress, Penny Marshall has passed away from diabetes related complications. She was 75.

Best known for playing “Laverne” in the Happy Days spinoff, Laverne & Shirley, she also directed seven motion pictures including Big (Tom Hanks), Awakenings (Robin Williams & Robert De Niro) and A League of Their Own (Tom Hanks & Geena Davis).


1976 American Bandstand Interview

Laverne & Shirley Show Opening

Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!

Tim Lammers & John Lassman Discuss Queen & Bohemian Rhapsody

“Tim Talks Hollywood” is a new weekly podcast released every Friday, hosted by longtime syndicated entertainment reporter Tim Lammers. 

The podcast features movie reviews, movie, TV and digital streaming news with fellow critics, podcasters and other guests, as well as interviews with actors and filmmakers, and more.

Everything you need to know about Tim’s podcast can be found at

Check out a free preview of the podcast below, which features John Lassman & Tim Lammers discussing Queen


Man Claiming “I’m Jesus” Strangles Food Delivery Driver

Photo credit: Crucifix/Adobe Spark

This mugshot is one for the ages. This is an instant classic!

The man pictured above is in trouble for assaulting a Muslim food delivery driver after he started strangling her with her own niqab.

Those lovely marks on his face and head? That’s not meth. Those are the places he was stabbed with her keys as she fought for her life. Amazing he didn’t end up losing an eye.

Butchering Burt Bacharach at Bar Mitzvah

Photo credit: Facebook/@Break

This video is from a Bar Mitzvah which took place back in September 1993. Seth’s Bar Mitzvah, that is. Maybe Seth or a family member recently unearthed the video and uploaded it to social media; but for some reason, it’s making the rounds on the internet now.

Solely, because these 12 or so family member, who are having a good time, are absolutely butchering a song originally recorded by Rod Stewart, but became a hit for “Dionne & & Friends” (Dionne Warwick, Elton John, Gladys Knight & Stevie Wonder).
