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Category Archives: KQ Morning Show

Woman Posts Glowing Review of Eyeliner When it Doesn’t Smudge After Car Accident

Photo credit: Instagram/coffeecatsandcusswords

Well, this is quite the endorsement!

This woman was involved in an accident that sent her to the hospital. Due to her pain and injuries, the tears she shed caused all of her make up to run, and when doctors wiped her face the rest of her make up came off. Except this apparently, exceptional eyeliner. Why would she post this picture? Well, this doesn’t appear to be a case of me me me look at me. Her mother suggested they take the photo as possible evidence for the police. This happened nearly a year ago, but it’s making the rounds now.

Dave Mordal’s Appearance on The Jason Show

Photo credit: Facebook/The Jason Show

Dave Mordal has recently come out of “retirement” to perform various shows across the Twin Cities area. (Check the concert calendar for upcoming shows).

To promote those upcoming show, he appeared on Fox 9’s The Jason Show on Friday. Check out his appearance below!

Surprise Wedding in Punta Cana!

Congratulations to Dawn & Mike!

These two KQ listeners tied the knot on March 8th in Punta Cana! Among those in the bridal party were Tom, Bob, Philly, Brittany and Candice!

City Buses Block Eagles Fans’ View of Parade for 7 Minutes

Photo credit: YouTube/ViralHog

As Vikings fans, this video should help our sour grapes go down a bitter better. Or, at least, make them taste a little less sour.

During the part of the “Big Game” Championship parade in Philly, a few city buses pulled up and blocked the view of the parade for many Eagles fans. The buses remained there for 7 minutes, during which time the players had ridden by on their floats.

When the buses finally got going again, all there was to see was a parade of motorcycle cops.

Beware: the fans are understandably upset, and thus, end up shouting a barrage of obscenities. Sure, they’d waited around for 5 hours (and the angrier they get, that number goes up to 6 hours) for the parade, but seriously…there’s worse things in the world than missing a boring parade. No one starved to death or lost any limbs. You missed out on a parade. Your team still won the championship. Maybe reflect on that for a bit, and try to smile.

Three Decades Of Radio Domination

As we’re sure you know by now, “KQRS MORNING MAN TOM BARNARD” was recently inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 2017.

He continues to impress with a Morning Show that has been dominating for over 30 years!

He was recently interviewed by Radio Ink about the Morning Show, the Tom Barnard Show podcast, possible syndication and more.

Radio Ink: How have you dominated on the radio in Minneapolis for so long?

Barnard: I take a completely different approach to radio than most people, especially in this market. For example, another accusation came in against Al Franken. I went on the air and said this is the sixth woman that has accused him of trying to force himself on her, but, “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t like Al Franken and I’ve never liked him. I’ve interviewed him many times. I think he’s a flaming prick, so I can’t make a judgment call here. I can’t say if he’s guilty or not. I can’t take a stance on this.”

If I don’t take a stance, I explain why, and people really like that. Even though I can’t stand him, I’m not going on the air and ripping into him because I don’t know if he’s guilty. I assume these six women are telling the truth. It would be too easy to rip him and say we should burn him at the stake.

The show is also very pro-women. I was raised by my mother and my two older sisters. I like strong women and talk about them a lot. That is unusual, from what I understand. I grew up in a different way than 99.9 percent of people in Minnesota, and they kind of like that. It is a different perspective, I guess.

Read the entire interview at

Michael Rapaport’s Confusion & Meltdown Over the Saints’ Loss Seems Oddly Familiar

Photo credit: Twitter/@MichaelRapaport

This seems awfully familiar doesn’t it? Seems as though we, as Vikings fans, probably reacted similarly towards the end of Sunday’s game.

You can hardly fault actor Michael Rapaport for using the type of language he uses in this video, and you really shouldn’t take his “f*** you, Minnesota!” to heart, because as we stated above, many of us likely directed the same type of vulgar excitement towards New Orleans.

However, it is a bit amusing to watch Rapaport’s meltdown as he goes from elation to brokenhearted confusion in the time it took him to leave the bar and get in his car.

Remember, Vikings Fans: There’s still at least one more game to go. Let’s all breathe, take it easy, and not get cocky. Celebrate and be excited, but let’s breathe easy and take it one game at a time.