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Category Archives: KQ Morning Show

Keanu’s Go-To Word is “Whoa”

As we’ve pointed out before, there are certain actors (e.g. Ben Stiller, Matthew McConaughey, Owen Wilson, Brad Pitt) who most certainly have acting crutches.

Owenergy Studios (the guys who put together the Owen “Wow” Wilson compilation) have compiled every utterance of “Whoa!” by Keanu Reeves in his movies. The Matrix is the most obvious and well known, and if you think about it, Bill & Ted becomes obvious too…but the man says “whoa” A LOT!

Might we suggest that Owenergy Studios, the makers of this compilation, do a compilation of scenes with John Cusack walking in the rain. Seriously, he walks in the rain in nearly all of his movies.

SNL Takes a Shot at Armchair Activism

Every once in a while, SNL can be funny. It does happen from time to time.

This past weekend, host Louis CK starred in a sketch about armchair activism.

It’s an amusing social commentary, and at the very least, the Morning Show may have a new drop to mock our program director (Scott Jameson) with after he makes on-air announcements. “Thank you, Scott!”

Broken Record Just Plays Zeppelin Intro Over & Over

Have a neighbor who drives you crazy? Maybe pop this “broken record” on, crank the volume, and then leave the house and run some errands.

It’s kind of funny and cool for a few seconds…and then it becomes very unsatisfying when the drums just never ever kick in.

Jeff Bridges Reprises ‘The Dude’ to Honor John Goodman

It’s unlikely that The Big Lebowski will ever receive a sequel, and if it does…it’s certainly not a priority for the Coen Brothers at this time.

So, any chance for fans of the film to experiences a reprisal of any of the characters is a welcome addition to the Lebowski universe.

Over the weekend, John Goodman (who played “Walter Sobchak” in the movie) received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Jeff Bridges was on hand to pay tribute to Goodman, and while reprising his role as “The Dude”, he partially recreated Goodman’s ‘eulogy’ from The Big Lebowski.

Ben Stiller’s Acting Crutch Is Using “Little” As a Descriptor…A LOT

Most performers have their crutch phrases. It happens in radio, and actors most definitely have their go-to acting crutches.

Here’s a quick refresher course:

Other than that, they’re fine actors.

Now we can add Ben Stiller to the list of actors who clearly have their “go-to” acting crutch phrases. Someone has noticed that he uses “little” as a descriptor a lot!


Tom Discusses What It Takes For Couples to Work Together


Could you do it?

Do you think you could work side by side with your spouse?

New KARE 11 anchors Cory Hepola & Camille Williams are a married couple, so they decided to interview Tom Barnard, and his wife Kathryn, to find out what it takes to successfully work with your spouse.

Louie Anderson’s 1984 Tonight Show Appearance

A fresh-faced, young comic named Louie Anderson made his national television debut on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson back in 1984.

…and what a fine job he did! He even had the man himself saying “Louie! Come back out here and take another bow!”

VIDEO: Tom Barnard and Michele Tafoya Featured on WCCO News

(Video courtesy of WCCO)

Tom Barnard and Michele Tafoya sit down with WCCO’s Frank Vascellero to chat about on-air chemistry, overcoming personal adversity and what drives them to continue working hard. Read the rest of Frank Vascellero’s story at Read the rest of Frank Vascellero’s story at