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Category Archives: Tony’s Original Bits

Kutcher Kunis Candle

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have questionable hygiene. Now you can bring that fragrance home.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.

John Glenn’s Ride

Joining Jeff Bezos’ crew on his successful space flight, was 82-year-old “Wally” Funk. The female aviation pioneer became the oldest person launched into space, beating the late John Glenn who previously set the record at age 77 aboard the space shuttle Discovery. Here’s audio from John Glenn’s ride.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.

Boulder, CO is #1

According to U.S. News & World Report, the number one place to live is Boulder, CO and they’re capitalizing on that in a new tourism ad.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.

Long John Silver’s Meth Fish

A report indicates that trout can become addicted to methamphetamine when it accumulates in waterways. Not good for conservation, but good news for fast-food fish.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.

Mock Tuna

For your next hunger craving, we suggest a delicious, not-exactly, not-quite, can’t-say-for-sure, tuna sandwich.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.

Bug Burger Helper

They’re a great source of protein, so put ’em to good use when you’re grilling this summer.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.

You Mothers

Remember, you wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for her. Moms are everything.

Hear the rest of today\’s show at 92kqrs.com/podcast and check out the Rewind Archives to catch up on any you may have missed.