Category Archives: Uncategorized

The List: 500 – 401

500 – 401  |  400 – 301  |  300 – 201  |  200 – 101  |  100 – 1 #500: American Girl by Tom Petty #499: There’s Only One Way To Rock by Sammy Hagar #498: Love Me Two Times by The Doors #497: Lay It on the Line by Triumph #496: Hey Hey What…

Honoring Jon Pilger

Honoring Jon Pilger

Steve Pilger writes- “As a longtime KQ Morning Show listener and proud father of a US military member, I greatly appreciate your salute to service. My son, Lt. Jon Pilger, is a graduate of Northfield High School and North Dakota State University. He’s currently a United States Air Force flight nurse assigned to the 18th…

Honoring Gretta Vieths

Dan Vieths of Eagan writes, “Our daughter Gretta is currently on a Middle East deployment with the Air Force Reserves, as Loadmaster with the 934th Airlift Wing, also known as the Global Vikings”. Gretta is a 2014 graduate of Eastview High School in Apple Valley, enlisting right after graduation. Gretta was on the Eastview Trap…

Honoring Jacob Wehrenberg

Ward Anderson would like to honor Jacob Wehrenberg of Ramsey, MN serving in the United States Marine Corps. Jacob just left for Camp Pendleton to join his fellow Marines for Chemical warfare training in Syria. Jacob is a true American Military hero, it’s his 3rd and final deployment as he’s scheduled for honorable discharge next August. He…

Honoring Michelle Lambert

Larry Lambert from Ramsey writes, “My daughter Michelle has served in the US Air Force and the Minnesota Air National Guard since 1990. She loves the C130 military transport aircraft, and has served on “Nightingale” a military evacuation aircraft. When deployed, Michelle serves as a senior emergency room nurse. Her father says, “I’m very proud of…

KQ Salutes Our Hometown Troops

KQ Salutes Our Hometown Troops

Have a friend, family member or co-worker serving in the military away from home? KQRS wants to recognize and honor their service to America by sharing their stories on the KQ Morning Show and on!

Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine

Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine

Quit Smoking in 90 Minutes Break the habit Lose the cravings Fewer withdrawal symptoms Our method is faster, easier and more effective in addressing both the physical cravings and the psychological component of the addiction: Pain-free low-intensity medical lasers help to decrease the cravings Easy behavior modification techniques help you break the habit…and quit for…

Stop Smoking with Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine

Stop Smoking with Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine

Quit Smoking in 90 Minutes Break the habit Lose the cravings Fewer withdrawal symptoms Our method is faster, easier and more effective in addressing both the physical cravings and the psychological component of the addiction: Pain-free low-intensity medical lasers help to decrease the cravings Easy behavior modification techniques help you break the habit…and quit for…