Announcing…the 2022 KQ Father of the Year…DAN SORENSON! Nominated by his son, Joe, Dan is crowned the Father of the Year based on your votes! From working at the Minnetonka fire department, coaching his kids in youth hockey, or rocking out to Rush in his basement, Dan is a very worthy winner of KQ’s first ever Father of the Year award.
Beyond the prestigious honor, Dan will get some great prizes, including a brand new Weber Genesis grill, tickets to see Roger Waters at the Target Center, and, of course, a plaque!
Thanks to our sponsors, Oak Ridge Dental and Frattallone’s Hardware & Garden. Congrats again to Dan, all of our finalists, and thanks to everyone for submitting and voting for their fathers!

Dan Sorenson
Minnetonka | Nominated by Joe Sorenson
Why should he be Father of the Year?
Dan gives back to the community by working at the Minnetonka fire department. He also gives back by voluntarily coaching the Minnetonka Youth Hockey Program. He has coached for my siblings and I throughout our childhoods, I’m now 19 and my siblings are 20 and 12. Everyday he contributes to our community through small acts. Acts such as mowing the lawn for our neighbors, or picking up trash he finds. He always finds a way to connect with others and make them smile from his great dad humor.
Fun Facts:
My dads favorite band is Rush, and the first ever concert I really remember was a Rush concert. Music is something my dad and I connect through and share a passion for. My dad loves jamming out in the basement with his buddies. Being that my dad is a firefighter, one thing I get a kick out of is calling him Lieutenant Dan from Forest Gump

Larry Hall
Lino Lakes | Nominated by Carrie Arcand
Why should he be Father of the Year?
Fresh out of Vietnam, this 26 yr old handsome, outgoing, crazy man persisted to get a date with our Mom (of 3 kids) by offering to fix her car. He met us, fell in love and has been our blessing ever since. He is an example to all what a Father should be. He is the StepDad who “stepped-up” as he unconditionally cared for us. Our Mom died of breast cancer in 2001 and he not only kept being our Dad, but took on the role of being our Mom too.
Fun Facts:
Everyone who knows him has fun Larry stories! Such a huge personality and great guy! He would get us up in the middle of night to dance with him to BTO as he loudly sang “Ain’t seen nothing yet .. BBB-Baby ” Yes, alcohol involved. This generous man found a way to make everyone’s life better.

Karl Thilgen
Center City | Nominated by Julie Thilgen
Why should he be Father of the Year?
I’m 29, and my Dad is still my hero. He goes to work, then to his handyman side jobs, & then comes home, fixing on his own cars or making fishing rods-another side job. Through all of that, he always makes time for me: a safe haven after my horrid divorce, falling into the St. Croix with me on our first canoe trip, watching Bond movies & cooperatively cooking cultural dishes depending on where we see James first, endlessly fixing my Lemon car. Dad has taught me so much, & has always been there.
Fun Facts:
He’s a phenomenal euphonium/trombone player, been playing for years, & I love hearing him jazz it up during commercials. Dad has a lot of favorite musicians, but I know Eric Clapton is one he’s been wanting to see for ages.
Anyone who knows “Karl with a K” knows he’ll joke with everyone he talks to, and leave with a “Merry Christmas” no matter the season.

Larry Forsland
Bloomington | Nominated by April Forsland
Why should he be Father of the Year?
My dad is the most generous dad. Not only did he and my mom adopt 4 kids (paid for all four to go to college), had several foster kids, 4 different exchange students, homeless kid program and one of the founders of Korean culture camp of Mn and is a “big brother” in the big brother program. He has been taking care of my mom who now has Giant cell arteritis and Alzheimer’s. They have been married for 54 years. He has worked hard all his life and shares every penny.
Fun Facts:
He would take each of us kids separately when we turned 5 to the North Stars, now the Wild. He would skip and sing with me to the gate of the Met Center. We got to pick three players we thought were going to score. If they did, we got dollar. As I got older I asked for .50 for an assist. He said “no.” Later I asked for $2 for inflation. He said “no.” To this day at Wild games, it’s still just a dollar. We all learned a love for hockey and gambling.

Rick Miller
Inver Grove Heights | Nominated by Emily Miller
Why should he be Father of the Year?
My dad always goes the extra mile no matter who it is for. It could be his kids, his wife, neighbors, or a complete stranger. Recently, Rick was driving down CR 42 and spotted a wallet. He turned around and got out his car to retrieve the wallet and went out of his way to deliver it to the owner who happened to be a sheriff. My dad has taught me many things in life, like the importance of working for a living, being grateful for what you have, but mostly to be kind and help others when you can.
Fun Facts:
My dad LOVES KQRS. I remember growing up and it would always be on the radio. Dad loves rocking out, we’ve been to many concerts together including Bon Jovi, Phil Collins, Journey & Def Leppard. I would love to see him win so he could grill all summer for the family. My dad is a retired Navy veteran and a bad ass Harley Davidson biker. At 70 years old he’s the real deal!
- Weber Genesis Gas Grill
- Commemorative Plaque
- Classic Rock gift pack (including vinyl records, concert tickets & KQ merch!)
- Restaurant gift cards