Highlights from KQ\'s 50th Anniversary Celebration Day
(9.25.18) Starting with the KQ Morning Show, the entire day was spent reminiscing about the station\’s history with numerous former and current jocks plus previous KQ staff members.
Best of Tom Barnard
Listen to several of Tom Barnard\’s most recent memorable interviews featuring several rock & roll legends, best-selling authors, award-winning actors and an American Hero.
Best of The KQ Morning Show
Listen to featured tracks from each of the twelve KQ Morning Show \”Best of\” compilation albums released between 1990 – 2002.
Album Flashbacks
Our DJs sit down and reveal the albums that have made a lasting impact on their lives, and their memories associated with those albums.
The Best of The Chucker
Legend has it that Michael Jackson wanted to be interviewed on KQRS, but didn’t want to deal with a dumbass disc jockey… So, a dumbass disc jockey was created.
Bob & Coach Burnsie
Bob Sansevere reflects on his time covering Jerry Burns, the best f***ing Vikings coach – no f***ing question about that.
Lassman & Bon Jovi
John Lassman explains why Jon Bon Jovi gave him a shout out in his Rock & Roll Hall of Fame acceptance speech.
The Origin of The Chucker
John Lassman knows The Chucker very well and reveals the truth about his origin. It all began with The Call of the Day…
Passolt For Governor
Jeff Passolt reflects on his “run\” for Minnesota Governor in 1990 as a member of the “Pool Party”…
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