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    All-time favorite bands/artists? Queen, hands down. Don’t care if it’s a cliché. Those guys wrote the soundtrack for every moment in life and I am going to keep listening.

    First album you ever purchased? Linkin Park, Meteora is the first one that I got. Shout out to my dad for giving me a few of his on loan to listen to. He still blasts AC/DC every time they come on.

    First Concert? Fall Out Boy, Mania Tour at Xcel. (Wish that this was Live Aid. Still working on that time machine.)

    Name a show that’s a MUST watch? Midnight Gospel. If you ever want to break your brain, watch this show.

    What’s one movie you could never get sick of watching? Casino, (Martin Scorsese movies take up too much space in my brain)

    Greatest comedy movie of all-time? Grosse Pointe Blank – think if John Wick went back to his high school reunion but he’s got a sense of humor.

    Favorite local sports team? Vikings – SKOL FOR LIFE

    What’s an app you can’t live without? My alarm. (If I could sleep all day, I would.)

    What’s your dream car? 1967 Camaro SS

    What topic(s) would you crush at trivia night? Movie quotes

    What toppings are on your ideal pizza? Sausage, canadian bacon, pepperoni. (If it’s a meat, it’s going on. Price is no issue.)

    Growing up, whose poster was on your bedroom wall? Godzilla, even got it framed now.

    If you could go to dinner with 3 famous people (dead or alive) who would you pick? Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris Farley (after-meal cigars are a must.)