- All-time favorite bands/artists? So many to choose from! Led Zeppelin definitely the tops though. 🤘
- First album you ever purchased? Metallica’s Black Album. My parents weren’t exactly pleased at the time that I was listening to heavy metal.
- First Concert? I’m embarrassed to say… it was Kid Rock. I was managing the Papa John’s near where the 93X studios were at the time and I traded the DJ the pizza for free tickets.
- Which band have you seen in concert the most times? I’ve seen Nathaniel Raitliffe and the Night Sweats 5 times.
- Name a show that’s a MUST watch? I enjoy pretty gritty cop shows. I highly recommend Bosch on Amazon.
- What’s a movie(s) you could never get sick of watching? Fifth Element
- Greatest comedy movie of all-time? Office Space
- What’s an app you can’t live without? Google Maps. Could you imagine going back to the days of using real paper maps or a road atlas?
- Describe your first car: A white and rusty Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme that I bought for $500 from a co-worker.
- What topic(s) would you crush at trivia night? Star Trek and classic rock of course
- What toppings are on your ideal pizza? All of the meats
- Growing up, whose poster was on your bedroom wall? Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Metallica
- If you could go to dinner with 3 famous people (dead or alive) who would you pick? Chris Pratt, Emma Stone and Jack Black would be a cool trio to hang out with!