Weekday afternoons • 3pm – 7pm
All-time favorite bands/artists? Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers! Other faves: Jeff Lynne/ELO, Queen & Pink Floyd
First album you ever purchased? Carole King Tapestry. It was my first time in a record store and I felt so grown up. Still love that album!
First Concert? The Eagles with Steve Miller at Folsom Field in Bolder, Colorado 1978.
Which band have you seen in concert the most times? ZZ Top!! I was obsessed with these boys. I saw them 5 times before 1987 (stubs to prove it). Since then, guessing…at least 5 more times? They are fun live and the people that love ZZ Top make the show fun too.
Name a show that’s a MUST watch? HUSTLE on BBC
What’s a movie(s) you could never get sick of watching? Inception, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Ready Player One
Greatest comedy movie of all-time? Bridesmaids – I think I’ve lived that!
What’s an app you can’t live without? Wzyecam – I check on my beloved pets when I’m not home. And, like a good Minnesotan, I love the The Weather Channel app
Describe your first car: I lucked out on that! My dad bought me a 1978 Pontiac Skybird. He had Head East, Never Been Any Reason, in the cassette deck blaring and I got to drive it out of the showroom. One of my fondest memories in life.
What toppings are on your ideal pizza? My ideal pizza needs a thin crust, spicy and tasty sauce and a quality cheese. That’s it.
If you could go to dinner with 3 famous people (dead or alive) who would you pick? Tom Petty, Carl Sagan and Oprah Winfrey
Twitter: @LisaMillerRocks
Instagram: @LisaMiller.Rocks